Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence

Criminology 2 pages (550 words)

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Recruitment, transportation, or housing of individuals for the goal of exploitation by coercion, deception, or force is referred to as human trafficking. On the other hand, domestic violence refers to violence or abuse that takes place in the course of an intimate or family relationship. This can involve emotional abuse, economic abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and various types of control and manipulation (US Department of Justice, 2023). Despite the apparent contrasts between the two occurrences, there are some shared characteristics.

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Similarities between Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence:

  1. Exploitation of Weak People: Both domestic violence and human trafficking include the exploitation of vulnerable people. Although in human trafficking, the perpetrator takes advantage of the victim's weakness, such as poverty or immigrant status, the abuser in domestic violence abuses their power and influence over the victim.
  2. Effect on Mental Health: Victims of domestic abuse as well as human trafficking may experience serious mental health effects. Both can result in mental health problems such as anxiety, sadness, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
  3. Challenges in Reporting: Victims of domestic abuse and human trafficking may encounter considerable obstacles when attempting to disclose their experiences. They can be concerned about legal repercussions, lack the means or assistance to flee, or fear the abuser or trafficker's vengeance.

Differences between Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence:

  1. Kind of Exploitation: Although both entail taking advantage of helpless people, the types of exploitation are different. In cases of domestic abuse, the abuser usually aims to keep control over the victim, but in cases of human trafficking, the trafficker wants to take advantage of the victim to make money.
  2. Mobility: Whereas victims of domestic abuse frequently stay in the same place, victims of human trafficking are frequently transported across borders or continents.
  3. Criminal Characteristics: Human trafficking is a crime for which punishment is available under international law. On the other hand, domestic violence is often addressed through domestic violence legislation in many nations.
  4. Consent: Abuse inside a relationship is domestic violence, and the victim may have given their initial assent to the union. The victim of human trafficking is frequently tricked or forced into the position and refuses to be exploited.
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The fact that people trafficking is illegal is one significant distinction between it and domestic abuse. Criminals who engage in human trafficking are subject to prosecution under international law. On the other hand, domestic violence is often addressed through domestic violence legislation in many nations (Straus & Gelles, 2017). Moreover, human trafficking differs from domestic violence due to the mobility of its victims. It is more difficult for victims of human trafficking to seek assistance and for law enforcement to pursue the traffickers since they are frequently transported across countries or regions.

The phrase "people trafficking is a plague, a crime against the entire mankind" emphasizes how serious and damaging this issue is (Wilson, 2021). It implies that human trafficking is a crime against humanity as a whole rather than merely a problem that affects certain people or groups. The quotation emphasizes the serious consequences of human trafficking and the immediate necessity for action to prevent and battle this type of contemporary slavery (Wilson, 2021). It also acknowledges the significance of group efforts to safeguard all people's basic rights and dignity.

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Domestic violence. The United States Department of Justice. (2022, October 28). Retrieved February 18, 2023, from

Straus, M. A., & Gelles, R. J. (2017). Societal change and change in family violence from 1975 to 1985 as revealed by two national surveys. In Domestic Violence (pp. 63-77). Routledge.

Wilson, R. (2021). The Role of Oath-taking in Human Trafficking: Experiences of Survivors.

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